Spinal Cord Injuries and Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are one of the leading causes of death and paralysis in the United States. This is often a result of the lack of protection a motorcycle affords when involved in an accident. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 5,579 motorcyclists killed in traffic accidents in 2020. Of those killed, 606 were not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident. Wearing a helmet is one of the best ways to prevent a severe head or neck injury in the event of an accident.
While many motorcyclists are safe riders, many accidents result from other drivers not seeing the motorcycle, so anytime you are on a motorcycle, there is a risk that distracted drivers will not see you. No one wants to think about being involved in an accident, but it is important to be aware of the risks so that you can take steps to protect yourself. Getting medical and legal help as soon as possible is crucial if you or someone you know has been in a motorcycle accident.
Spinal Cord Injuries
About 24% of spinal cord injuries are caused by motor vehicle accidents, which include motorcycle accidents. These injuries can impact the injured person for the rest of their life, both physically and financially.
The cost of a spinal cord injury over the course of a lifetime can range from $681,843 to more than $3 million for a 25-year-old, according to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, a foundation dedicated to spinal cord research and treatment.
In a motorcycle accident, the force of a violent collision can damage any part of the spine. The most common injuries are to the neck and lower back.
These injuries can cause paralysis, loss of feeling, and even death. Below are the most common types of spinal cord injuries:
Complete Injury
The spinal cord is completely severed. This type of injury usually causes permanent paralysis from the injury down, and in many cases results in death.
Incomplete Injury
The spinal cord is bruised, stretched, or compressed but not completely severed. This type of injury can cause temporary or permanent paralysis.
Spinal Stenosis
Stenosis occurs when the accident dislocates or fractures the back, putting pressure on the spinal nerves and causing pain, loss of feeling, weakness, or a tendency to fall easily.
Compensation for Spinal Cord Injury Victims
Depending on the severity of the injury and the motorcycle accident itself, compensation can vary. If the victim is severely injured and has some form of paralysis that will prevent them from fully recovering, their settlement may be more significant to cover future medical costs and lost earning capacity.
Compensation available for spinal cord injuries includes:
- Current and future medical expenses related to the injury
- Rehabilitation
- Wheelchairs, braces, walkers, and other assistive devices
- Making the individual’s home and car wheelchair accessible
- Medical equipment
- Nursing services
Additional expenses can be explained by a skilled attorney by carefully reviewing how an event has impacted your life.
Contact an Attorney if You Suffered Spinal Damage in a Bike Crash
Motorcycle accidents are often severe, and when a spinal cord injury is sustained, the victim may require care for weeks, months, or even years after the accident. At Charles Boyk Law Offices, we fight for the maximum compensation because we believe that our clients should focus on their recovery and family, not worry about lost wages or future medical bills. We understand that no amount of money can take away your pain and suffering. We believe a fair settlement will allow you to rebuild your life and focus on recovery and growth. Contact us today for a free consultation.