Don’t Be The Cause Of A Preventable Death
Distracted driving is a serious issue on today’s roadways. The simple act of not waiting to check your phone or attempting to complete another task while behind the wheel can result in the serious injury or death of another on the roadway.
One of the victims of distracted driving, Nikki Kellenyi, lost her life in January 2012. Her family did not want their daughter to die in vain so they decided to raise awareness to this preventable type of accident.
Nikki was the passenger in the backseat of a vehicle when the driver became distracted and collided with a truck. Nikki died in the distracted driving accident, along with 3,328 other people who were killed in a distraction-affected accident in 2012. There were also 421,000 who were injured in such accidents, including Nikki’s friend who was also in the vehicle at the time.
Nikki’s father has teamed up with Miss Gloucester County, Lindsey Gianinni, and co-founded Nikki’s Foundation-People against Distracted Driving (PADD). This nonprofit organization helps to bring attention to the dangers of distracted driving.
Nikki’s Law was then signed into law on April 14, 2013, by New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie. The law will bring more attention to the dangers of distracted driving through the use of Variable Message Signs. There are more than 150 signs installed at this time in various states, sharing PADD’s message.
Distracted Driving During the Holidays
The dangers of distracted driving are even more prevalent during the holidays. We remind drivers to stay distraction free when on the roads this holiday season. Examples of different distracted driving are listed below:
- Reading maps
- Grooming
- Adjusting the radio
- Using a cellphone
If you are visiting a location for the holidays and you aren’t sure how to get there so you will be using a GPS, make sure that you enter in the address before you begin to drive. If you need to adjust the destination at any time, ask a passenger to do so, or pull to the side of the road.
One of the major forms of distracted driving, texting while driving makes you 23 times more likely to get into a crash.
We ask drivers to refrain from texting while driving.
No message is more important than a life.
Distracted Driving Causes Accidents
The goal of sharing the information above is to prevent future accidents caused by distracted driving.
If you are among the many that have been injured in an accident like this, or you have lost a loved one in a distracted driving crash, call our lawyers. We will help you to receive the compensation that you deserve and ensure that your legal rights are protected.