Port Clinton Bus Accident Attorney

There are several commercial buses that roll through Port Clinton, especially those on their way to an island adventure or to our favorite amusement park, Cedar Point. Large groups tend to take commercial buses when visiting such destinations, making them commonplace in the region. But, single bus riders also utilize this type of transportation as well, taking advantage of discount prices for travels when compared to driving their own vehicles.

There are several different types of buses that many of us have been a passenger on throughout the years. Types of buses range from charter bus companies to party buses rented out by groups of friends. Shuttle buses are also ridden by man when they visit hotels or airports. They solve a transportation problem when one is out of their hometown, but they can also pose serious danger to passengers.

Bus accidents can be very serious as there are a lot of people on board at any given time. Bus accidents may occur at the fault of the bus driver, a faulty part of the vehicle, or due to a negligent driver on the roadway. When a bus accident does happen it is usually a big story in the news as it is rare for no injuries to result.

How Bus Accidents Happen

Who would think that most school bus accidents occur when the bus isn’t even moving? Well, it is true. Most of the time when children are injured in a school bus accident, the injury doesn’t occur when they are riding the actual bus. Instead, accidents most often occur when children are getting on and off of the bus, when safety procedures are not in place, or enforced.

It is very critical for school districts, bus routes, bus drivers, parents, and children to be aware of the safety procedure in place. The reinforcement of effective safety procedures will help to ensure children are safe while on the school bus.

Practice Bus Safety Procedures

One of the only ways to prevent tragic child accidents is to practice safety procedures.

As a parent, you want to ensure the safety of your child when they are not under your watch. To see what the school bus safety procedures are on your child’s bus route, see if you can ask the bus driver. They are the adult that is directly in contact with your child and can tell you what procedures are enforced on a daily basis.

Contact a Port Clinton Bus Accident Attorney Today

If you or someone you know has been involved in a bus accident, it can be a very difficult and confusing situation to get through. There are many different things one must deal with when they are a part of a bus accident, as there are several different entities involved. The victim or their family must navigate a claims process that involves the bus company, insurance companies, Esurance companies, bus-operating and management firms, and sometimes government agencies.

This can become an overwhelming task for anyone which is why our office recommends seeking a knowledgeable and experienced a Port Clinton bus accident attorney to help you through the process.

Call our Port Clinton bus accident lawyers at 800.637.8170 to review your case and injuries over the phone today. After an initial consultation, our Port Clinton bus accident attorney can recommend the next steps that should be taken, helping you to become closer to receiving the damages for the accident. We are on your side and will do everything we can to help you.

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