
Legal Technology Function Focus

Over the coming months, The Boyk Law Report will spotlight new technologies and services offered to assist attorneys and law offices. While primarily focused on the uses of AI, each article is meant to provide feedback and introduce you all to the different types of technology that can be used.

It is undisputed that we live in the era of technology. From expensive computers in our pockets to the vehicles that we drive, society is dependent on technology. Despite the numerous and inevitable frustrations that we have with certain gadgets, technology was designed to make our lives easier. One form of technology that is highly controversial, especially in the legal community, is Artificial Intelligence (AI). From ChatGPT to that computer in your pocket, AI is becoming extremely popular. But, as we all know, nothing is perfect.

First up we have an incredibly user-friendly and helpful tool called Tavrn. Tavrn is online software that can assist in drafting demands and medical summaries. As a personal injury attorney, the concept and its benefits speak for itself. However, the simple-to-use format can prove to be beneficial to many other areas of law.

Tavrn’s process is simple and requires three steps. First, upload all medical bills into the portal. While we are still experimenting with Tavrn, it is important to remember basic
tenants of logic. The more documents uploaded, the longer it will take to receive the report and/or summary.

After you have uploaded all of your documents, the next thing to do is wait. Simple enough, right?

Finally, once your summary and/or report is ready, you need to review the document for accuracy and mistakes. As attorneys, we are responsible for the information, work product, and documentation that we utilize. Whether you are using the summary in court, sharing the summary with counsel, or utilizing it to prepare, you want to ensure you have precise and accurate information. Simply put: Rule 11 of the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct still applies. Tavrn is extremely useful, efficient, and helpful; but, it is still technology that continues to adapt and develop.

I interviewed individuals in my office who have also used Tavrn, and their reviews were similar. The product is highly recommended. Tavrn is easy to use and the product formatting is simple and direct. There may be delays due to the number of documents, the server, [insert any reason that technology has caused delays in your life before], etc., but the customer service is very responsive and knowledgeable. Other than that one, isolated incident, Tavrn has been a tremendous help in our day-to-day practice.

If you have never used Tavrn, or AI, in your practice, it is a safe starting point to dip your toes into the unknown. However, you were hired by your clients as the attorney. AI, including Tavrn, cannot replace your value as an attorney. It can help grow your practice and increase your value, but if blindly relied upon, can easily do the opposite.

“I think trust comes from transparency and control. You want to see the datasets that these models have been trained on. You want to see how this model has been built, what kind of biases it includes. That’s how you can trust the system. It’s really hard to trust something that you don’t understand.” – Clem Delangue, CEO and Co-Founder of Hugging Face

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