Construction Accident Injury

Construction accidents can be very serious and cause long-term disabilities for those involved in them. From the possible loss of a limb to fractured and broken bones, and even wrongful death, construction accidents are some of the worst accidents one can be involved in. The medical bills associated with them are usually large, and the loss of wages also affects the person’s well-being.
While a construction accident does occur while an individual is at work, it is not always wise to file a workers’ compensation claim. It is always advised to contact an Ohio construction accident lawyer after an accident so they may guide you in the legal process. Workers’ compensation claims may not fully cover the individual and compensate them for all of the financial strain they’ve experienced.
Construction Accidents
There are many different types of construction accidents. Whether it is an individual who was injured on site, or the driver of a construction vehicle injured on the roadway, the scenarios are endless.
Those professions that may be at risk for construction accidents include the following:
- Laborers
- Carpenters
- Electricians
- Crane operators
- Ironworkers
- Painters
- Plumbers
- Welders
- Heavy equipment operators
- Other construction trades
While it is the responsibility of the employer to provide a safe working environment for employees, this is not always the case. If a worker is injured on an Ohio construction site, they should call an Ohio construction accident attorney as soon as possible.
This list of possible accidents is endless. When working with large equipment in dangerous environments, safety is first and foremost.
If the proper safety measures have not been put in place by the employer, the employees are the ones who suffer the consequences.
Injured in a Construction Accident
If you have been injured in a construction accident, the first thing to do after receiving medical attention is to contact an experienced construction accident lawyer. An immediate investigation is necessary to preserve evidence, allowing the proper claims to be made.
An attorney can help arrange the necessary investigation and collection of evidence, taking the worry off of the injured individual’s shoulders.
If you or your loved one has been injured in a construction accident, call our Ohio construction accident lawyers at 800.637.8170. Our teams of attorneys have experience with construction accidents and can help you receive a favorable settlement for your injuries. By calling our office, you can ask any questions that you have related to your accident, as well as receive a free case evaluation, allowing you to speed up the claims process.