Hit By Car In Pearson Park
During the summer months in the Toledo area, many people enjoy the local metroparks. There are a handful of parks to choose from when going for a run, walk, or to enjoy outdoor activities in the area.
Pearson Park, located in the Oregon area and convenient to many local residents, offers several trails to run and walk on, trails for biking, and many playground areas for young children. The park itself is a one-way drive through so motorists can only enter through one place and exit through another. The set-up of the park allows those enjoying the outdoors to rest easy knowing that they only have to watch for one lane of traffic. This is especially nice for those who enjoy walking or running on the pavement instead of the trails because these individuals are able to enjoy half of the road while vehicles have the other half.
While there are different rules enforced within the parks and one-way roads exist, there is still the potential for accidents. When motorists share the road with bikers and pedestrians, there is always a risk that a collision may occur.
Hit by Car in Pearson Park
The speed limit within Pearson Park is reduced but there are often motorists who do not obey the defined speed limit. Cars traveling at higher rates of speed than allowed can increase the risk of a car-pedestrian accident as there are several areas in which the trails intersect with the roadway. In these areas, the pedestrian has the right of way so it is the motorist’s responsibility to be aware and stop for them. But, if a car is going too fast, they could possibly hit a pedestrian (runner or walker) and cause serious injury.
If you or your loved one has been hit by a car in Pearson Park, it is very important to contact a personal injury lawyer. When an injury is caused by the fault of another individual, there is an opportunity to pursue legal damages including compensation for the injuries. The compensation received can help to pay medical bills, time off of work, pain and suffering, and more.
If you would like to speak to a personal injury lawyer about a car accident in Pearson Park, call 800.637.8170. By calling our office, you will have the opportunity to speak directly with a lawyer, explain your situation and receive advice in regards to the steps that you should take. You can also download a free copy of The Ohio Accident Book that can help to serve as a roadmap throughout the personal injury claim process.