BP Isn’t Protecting Their Workers
The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration said that BP has ignored worker safety in relation to the cleanup of the oil spill you may or may not have heard of. They reported their findings to the Coast Guard saying BP’s failures to adequately protect workers involved in the oil spill cleanup efforts pose “potentially grave consequences” for their health.
Unfortunately, their failure to look out for workers’ safety isn’t too surprising, considering its past record.
It seems BP has done nothing to seriously and systematically address the OSHA’s concerns of their “numerous deficiencies at several work sites and staging areas throughout the Gulf Coast region;” and that BP has failed to share critical health and safety information relating to the exposure and injuries of its cleanup workers.
BP repose was to say these problems were not isolated incidents.
If you or someone you know has been injured or hurt at work, you need information. We encourage you to contact our experienced Ohio workers’ compensation lawyers to request your FREE copy of The Ohio Work Injury Book and to receive your free case evaluation.
We also have six locations throughout Northwest Ohio where we can meet with you to discuss your case in a free consultation.
The Charles E. Boyk Law Offices, LLC has been practicing law and successfully representing out clients in the state of Ohio for over 30 years.