Beware! Child Birthing Center Negligence

Sara Snyder and her husband Jarad had to go through one of the most difficult things imaginable: losing their child. After a 12-hour labor delivering a breached 10 pound baby, Magnus Snyder did not make it.
The official report states that he died of “severe birth asphyxia.” This means that he suffocated while being born.
Magnus was born at a place called Greenhouse Birth Center. It is a non-hospital center that uses midwives instead of doctors and promotes gentle delivery. Sara and her husband have filed suit against Greenhouse for “reckless negligence” in that they failed to recognize the baby in distress and for not sending them to the hospital when it was clear that there was something wrong.
Through their case, Sara and Jarad are also hoping to be an example as to why states should increase regulations on the midwife industry. They hope to prevent families from going through what they had to.
If you or someone you know has a child who has been injured in a child accident, you need information.
Contact our Ohio child accident attorneys to order your FREE copy of Little Kids, Big Accidents.