Did You Know This?
- 28 percent of all traffic crashes involve drivers using cell phones
- 200,000 crashes a year are attributed to texting while driving
- 35 states ban text messaging for all drivers
- Ohio has no law banning texting while driving
- When a driver texts while driving, his reaction time will decrease by 35%
- When texting, steering capability goes down by a tremendous amount; 91%.
- A driver is twenty-three times more likely to get into a car accident while driving and texting.
- Drivers are also six times as likely to get into a car accident while dialing a number into their cellular devices.
- 16-20 is the largest texting demographic
The Charles E. Boyk Law Offices, LLC knows that now-and-days it seems like everyone has a blackberry, an iPhone, an Android or some other phone with a keyboard. We want everyone to be safe on the roads because texting can kill.
A recent study has shown that texting while driving is actually more dangerous than driving while you are drunk.
If texting has caused you or someone you know to be injured in a car accident you may be entitled to legal compensation and benefits. Reckless driving can be punished with a fine of up to 0 and up to 90 days in jail.
If you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident, we encourage you to please call our Toledo, Ohio car accident lawyers today at for a free case evaluation and to request your FREE copy of The Ohio Accident Book.