Bigen Hair Products Cause Serious Reactions
Hair dye is not a product that individuals question before using as it may affect health. This is somewhat of a vanity product that is utilized by many to color hair, both permanently and temporarily.
In the quest for a desirable color of hair, many people have used Bigen hair products.
While the purpose of this product is to change the color of the hair, it has caused several serious health problems for many individuals.
Bigen hair products are available for at-home use, as well as in the salon. This brand of hair dye has become very popular in the United States and offers both permanent (powder form) and semi-permanent (liquid form) options.
Powder Form of Bigen Causes Severe Pain
The permanent powder form of Bigen instructs users to simply add water, activating the dye to cover even gray hair. This has been marketed as the “gentle choice for rich color and optimum shine,” but unfortunately this is very far from what people experience.
As a result of using Bigen hair products, many people have suffered a host of allergic reactions. We reviewed these allergic reactions to Bigen in a previous blog post, including itching, swelling, hair loss, severe pain, black eyes, chemical burns, airway constriction, and even hospitalization.
This low cost hair dye is not worth it when it comes to the unfortunate reactions that many of our clients have experienced.
Those who have suffered a reaction to Bigen may experience costly medical bills and the need for expensive prescription medications. We advise these individuals to contact a lawyer if they have suffered from Bigen as it considered a defective product and they deserve compensation.
Individuals who have suffered as a result of using Bigen Hair Products are able to seek compensation for the following:
- Medical expenses from Bigen reaction
- Pain and suffering
- Lost wages
Learn more about the compensation that you can seek from a Bigen reaction.
We urge those who have used this product and have experienced a reaction to call the lawyers at our law office at 800.637.8170. There have been countless lawsuits filed against this product and we are helping to spread awareness of the dangers related to it.
To speak directly to a products and liability claims lawyer from our office, call 800.
637.8170. You can explain the exact reaction that you experienced and receive guidance as to the steps that you should take in seeking compensation.