Semi-Truck Runs Red Light & Causes Collision in Intersection
Our client was traveling southbound on Locust Street in Oak Harbor, approaching the intersection of Water Street. At the same time, a semi-truck driver ran a red light, unlawfully proceeded into the intersection, and smashed into the front driver’s side of our client’s vehicle. Emergency services came to the scene and removed our client from his vehicle. Our client was then taken to the hospital and was admitted to the ICU. He was found to have a broken pelvis, broken sternum, broken ribs, and a ruptured spleen. He was hospitalized for several weeks followed by in-patient rehab and recently released home to the aid of home healthcare.
Clamp Left Inside Patient After Bariatric Surgery
Years after undergoing bariatric surgery our client began experiencing significant bleeding and constant pain. She suffered nerve pain down both legs and pain in her abdomen. After undergoing a subsequent surgery, it was discovered that a clamp was left from the bariatric surgery and was found to be lodged in her uterus and embedded in her nerves. She was advised that another surgery was needed to remove the clamp and a complete hysterectomy would have to be performed. Our office is pursuing a medical malpractice action against the bariatric surgeon.
Employee Suffers Ankle Fracture After Slip & Fall Incident at Work
While on the job, our client slipped and fell on ice. She immediately experienced intense pain in her right ankle and foot and was taken to the hospital. There she underwent imaging and was found to have fractured and dislocated her ankle. Our client followed up with an orthopedic doctor who found her ankle broken in three places. Our client was scheduled to have an internal fixation procedure. However, the doctor had concerns that several more surgeries would be needed to repair the ankle. Our office is pursuing a workers’ compensation claim on behalf of our client.