
Jace Gillespie, Week #7 Bikes for Kids 2015 Winner

Jace Gillespie, 6, was such a huge help in the classroom that he was deemed the “Computer Expert” by his kindergarten teacher, Ms. Brenda Whyte. Jace was always assisting the other students with the computers and in math – always willingly and always without complaint. For those reasons, among others, Ms. Whyte nominated Jace for Bikes for Kids and he was the recipient of Week #7’s bike. Check out their story to learn how great Jace really is!

Jace and Ms. Whyte’s NBC 24 Better Living feature on July 29, 2015

Click here to view photos from Jace’s bike reveal at Wersell’s Bike & Ski Shop and Jace and Ms. Whyte’s NBC 24 Better Living debut.

Ms. Brenda Whyte’s nomination of her kindergarten student, Jace Gillespie:

“Jace G. is a fine young man who is very caring and helpful to everyone in the classroom. I call him ‘The Computer Expert.’ When a child needed help at the beginning of the school year to log in on the computer, he would go to them and help unselfishly. Throughout the school year he has shared his knowledge of Math, Reading & Language Arts, Social Studies & Science. The one thing that stands out about Jace G. is his willingness to share his knowledge when called upon to do so, and doing it willingly with joy, patience and love. Without any hesitation, I truly believe that he is deserving of a brand new bicycle.”

Other wonderful things Ms. Whyte had to say about Jace:

Jace has never complained – he is always helpful. I would glow when I would talk about this child. I am sure that what he did in my room he will continue to do in first grade. Jace is an awesome giver of his talent, knowledge, and time – he never complains and is always willing to help. He knows that other people need his help.

He’s a little Mathematician. He explains math to everyone. I give credit to his mom for bringing him in so prepared. Jace also brought in his favorite technology toys and shared them with all of the other kids. All of the kids are great kids and it’s because I have awesome parents!

I am so blessed with these kids – but Jace really stood out with his unselfishness. He always gives – never asks what is in it for him! Hopefully other kids will be as motivated to be like Jace.

Why did you nominate Jace?

I wanted to give him something tangible – something really big. I am so passionate about what I do. He will want to do more for kids who are less fortunate.

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