Liberty Nursing Center Of Toledo Faces Potential Shutdown
The Ohio Nursing Home Attorneys at the Charles E. Boyk Law Offices, LLC are accepting cases against the Liberty Nursing Center of Toledo. As reported by the Toledo Blade, in the most recent of many incidents at this Ohio nursing home facility, a schizophrenic male resident with sexually aggressive behaviors entered the room of a partially paralyzed female patient. Nurses on duty found him lying on top of the woman with his pants removed and her incontinence brief pushed aside.
The Liberty Nursing Center has been the center of several prior disturbing incidents, including an incident where it failed to respond to allegations of sexual abuse, another where a resident was found wandering miles away from the facility, and yet another where a resident jumped from an upper-story window. It has even been reported that two residents escaped in 2009 and used cocaine and marijuana during their absence. It is no surprise that the Liberty Nursing Center had been repeatedly warned by the state that it was going to lose its license and be shut down. After the most recent round of allegations, the Ohio Department of Health found an “ongoing failure to protect residents from abuse,” and the state followed through on its prior warnings and is actively attempting to shut down the facility. The Liberty Nursing Center has appealed and therefore its doors remain open – for now.
The Liberty Nursing Center is home to more than 100 residents, each of whom will be adversely affected by a shut down. A public hearing will take place next month, after which a state hearing officer will have thirty days to make a recommendation to the director of the Ohio Department of Health on potentially revoking Liberty’s license. Liberty’s parent company, Liberty Health Care Corp., operates many other nursing homes across Ohio, including Liberty West Nursing Center of Toledo and Liberty Nursing Center of Fremont. The families of individuals who reside in these nursing facilities have many concerns about the care that has been provided to their loved ones, and for good reason.
If you believe that your loved one has been the victim of abuse or neglect at the Liberty Nursing Center of Toledo, Liberty West Nursing Center of Toledo, or Liberty Nursing Center of Fremont, call the attorneys at the Charles E. Boyk Law Offices, LLC at 800.637.8170. The time to make a claim is limited. Call us today.