Drinking And Driving Dangers

Prom and graduation season often bring concern to the safety of high school students as there are many temptations to drink, which increases the likelihood of teens drinking and driving.
Fremont Ross High School and St. Joseph Central Catholic High School presented the dangers of drunk driving through “Prom Promise” this past Tuesday. Prom Promise is a mock crash demonstration that shows students the tragic consequences of drunk driving. This is a presentation that is performed throughout the nation in an effort to educate high school students on the dangers of driving while intoxicated.
The magistrate at Sandusky County Common Pleas Court told the Fremont News Messenger that they choose two schools from the county every year to see the mock crash. The Common Pleas Court helps to organize the educational event, starting as early as October to ensure everything goes off well and the students get the most out of it. The police and fire departments, as well as the Sandusky County Sheriff’s Office were all part of the planning process.
Mock Car Crash for High School Students
The Prom Promise mock crash shows what can happen when an intoxicated driving gets behind the wheel. The accident resulted in the intoxicated driver, played by a senior at SJCC, hitting a telephone pole while on the way home from a party.
In this crash, there are two passengers in the vehicle – one suffers injuries in the accident and the other passenger dies on impact after they are thrown from the back seat and through the vehicle’s windshield.
The demonstration highlights the length of time that it takes for first responders to get to the scene of the accident. This presentation showed that it can take up to nine minutes for first responders to arrive and almost 30 minutes to get all passengers out of the crashed vehicle.
The drunk driver in the demonstration was given different charges for the accident, including an aggravated vehicular homicide which is a fourth-degree felony. They were also sentenced to juvenile prison until the age of 21.
Drunk Driving Accident Victims
Our law office strongly believes in spreading awareness of the dangers of drunk driving. We have represented clients who were injured in drunk driving accidents, as well as families that lost loved ones due to a drunk driver.
The pain and suffering that comes from such accidents is unmatched. Drinking and driving is not worth it, and we hope that this demonstration resonates with the students in Fremont, preventing drinking and driving this season, and hopefully many more.
To learn about the legal side of drunk driving accidents, visit our blog where we have information that guides victims through the legal process after being affected by a drunk driver. You can also call our office to speak to an attorney about the rights that a drunk driving victim has.