Actress Suffers Stroke After Taking Yasmin

Brenda Hamilton, a stage actress who is in the Broadway musical Wicked, took Yasmin for a little over two years when she suffered a stroke at the age of 27. The suit was filed with the New York court against Bayer. The case alleges that Bayer knew Yasmin put consumers at a greater risk than other birth control pills, but that the corporation withheld that information from both patients and doctors. She had no previous health conditions when this happened.
Although other women have suffered strokes because of their oral birth control, Yasmin does not properly address this risk and overstated the safety of their pill. There are about 1,100 lawsuits throughout the country like Ms. Hamilton’s.
Our office is handling many cases like Ms. Hamilton’s. Our Ohio Yasmin injury lawyers are able to help you if you have been injured in a case like this.
If you or a loved one has suffered injuries because of Yaz or Yasmin call 800.637.8170 to request your free case evaluation.