Pregnant Mother Crushed in Parking Lot Accident Sues
After leaving a family dinner at a Toledo restaurant, our client began securing her daughter into a car seat when an adjacent vehicle crushed her in between her car door and her daughter’s car seat. Our client was a mother of five and pregnant with a sixth child during this horrific accident.
The negligent driver was not the owner of the vehicle she was operating and was cited for failure to control and failure to stop on private property by local police.
Our client returned home after the incident and experienced marks on her stomach, her back and her legs. In addition to the physical trauma, our client suffered terrible anxiety about the health of her unborn child for the duration of her pregnancy because of this accident.
Our client delivered her beautiful baby daughter just six months after the accident. Our client’s daughter, since birth, has suffered from facial paralysis and other neurological injuries that occurred due to our client being crushed while pregnant. In addition to this, medical professionals are evaluating our client’s newborn for cerebral palsy.
After suffering from this unspeakable accident, we began working with our client to see how we could best help her and her family get their lives back. After calculating damages, the attorneys at Charles E. Boyk Law Offices and our client brought suit against the negligent driver for negligence and loss of consortium, and against the owner of the vehicle for negligent entrustment.
Esurance Insurance Services, Inc. insured our client at the time of the accident. Because we do not believe the driver had enough insurance coverage for the terrible injuries involved, we are requesting that the court grant our client declaratory judgment against her insurance company so that she may receive funds from her underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage.
Fighting for justice in Ohio car accidents is a complex task, especially if a person has been significantly injured. If you have suffered injuries as a result of a car accident in the Toledo area, contact us today so we can begin working with you to explore your legal options.