Driver Sued After Rear-End Collision on I-75
Our client is pursuing her personal injury case after she was involved in a rear-end car accident on April 12th in Allen Township, Hancock County, Ohio. The incident began when the defendant ran his vehicle into the concrete median on Interstate 75, a public roadway. Our client saw the defendant collide with the median and safely pulled over to the side of the interstate to report the accident and the potential need for medical assistance at the scene.
While our client was on the phone with 911, the defendant accelerated and drove across many lanes of traffic before crashing his vehicle into the rear-end of our client’s car while it was stopped on the side of the road.  As a result, our client suffered from serious neck and back injuries that required immediate medical attention.  Due to this accident, she incurred medical bills, the cost of future medical bills, and lost wages, along with physical and mental pain and suffering.
In addition to pursuing a claim against the defendant, we are also pursuing a negligent entrustment claim against the owner of the vehicle he was driving. Additionally, our client is filing a third cause of action against her own insurance provider, Geico. Geico issued a policy to her that included uninsured motorist coverage for bodily injury with policy limits of $100,000.00 per person. We believe the plaintiff’s personal injury and losses exceed the amount of the defendant’s liability policy and, therefore the plaintiff is asking the court to decide whether Geico has to cover the accident.
Seeking Compensation Following an Auto Accident
If you or a loved one have sustained injuries in a car accident with a negligent driver, reach out to an experienced Ohio personal injury lawyer to help you through the legal process of filing a claim. Do not try to handle your claim on your own, reach out to a lawyer who knows the ins and outs of the legal system, insurance policies, and pursuing damages. Call today for a free case review.