Customer Sues for Physical and Emotional Injuries After Physical Assault by Bartender at Rosas Cantinas
During a visit to Rosas Cantinas on August 1, 2021, in Fremont, Ohio, our client suffered serious physical injuries due to a violent encounter with one of the bar’s employees. A verbal dispute arose between our client and the bartender, which escalated into a physical assault. The bartender struck our client in the face, causing our client to fall from the top step of the bar’s stairway and onto the sidewalk below. When police arrived on scene, the bartender had fled the scene. When police inquired with the owners as to what occurred, the owners intentionally withheld information about the assault, including the identity of the bartender. The police obtained video footage and charged the bartender with felonious assault and an owner of the bar with obstructing justice.
This incident caused serious injuries to our client, such as a fractured jaw, fractured teeth, fractured wrist and knee, and emotional and mental anguish. As a result of this incident, our attorneys at Charles E. Boyk Law Offices are seeking financial compensation from the bar for our client’s injuries.
Assessing Our Client’s Damages
Our client suffered from serious and painful injuries as a result of the incident. These injuries include ongoing loss of income, hospital bills and medical treatment. In addition, our client believes his injuries may be permanent and will require ongoing care for the foreseeable future.
As a business, Rosas Cantina has a duty of care under Ohio law to ensure its’ customer’s safety and wellbeing on its premises. The employees at Rosas Cantina were negligent when they hired an employee prone to violence and who actively escalated the situation. The result of this negligence has given our client extensive emotional and physical injuries, as well as a financial burden from the medical treatment he had to receive.
Reach Out to One of Our Attorneys Today
Customer safety should be the top priority for every business, but not every business operates the way it should. If you have been recently injured due to a company’s negligence, our attorneys at Charles E. Boyk Law Offices can help you navigate your case. Get the compensation and justice you deserve by contacting our firm today.