
Trusting & Listening To Your Attorney

As a veteran attorney and someone who has been dragged through two years of personal and emotional litigation as a client, I learned countless tings. One of the most important things I learned about the legal process through the client’s eyes was that you must find an attorney you trust and tell them as much as you can about the specifics of the situation, how it happened, and then get out of the way and let them do their job. This is the most important yet the most difficult thing to do.

Trust yourself enough to realize that your objective and logical side chose this person to represent you, but also realize that your emotional side will react when your attorney tells you something that you do not want to hear.

Your mantra should be: “I am emotionally involved in this situation, and rightfully so, but I cannot evaluate this situation rationally or objectively. I have a well trained and experienced attorney that my rational and objective side chose. I need to listen to my lawyer.

As the old saying goes, “Somebody who represents himself has a fool for a client.” I believe that this is true, even if the client is a long time attorney. That is exactly why I put my trust in Attorneys Mike Bruno and Nick Dodosh. I also listened to what they told me and took their advice, as difficult as that was.

If the client starts to step into the attorney’s shoes and insists on making key decisions about how the case should be handled, then guess who is running the show: the fool. Not a good situation to put yourself in.

Lesson to be learned: Letting your attorney take the lead and listening to his advice can be difficult, but it is essential.

Allowing your attorney to take the reins and following their advice may be the most challenging thing that you will ever do. There is good reason for this: you are likely going through one of the most difficult times of your life. I myself am an attorney so it was especially difficult for me to hand over control to Attorney Bruno and Attorney Dodosh. I had to put the emotion aside and put on my “logic hat.”

When I look back on the two years spent over my son’s case, I now know that there is no logic hat. Letting your attorney take the lead and listening to their advice can be difficult, but it is essential.

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