Teen Distracted Driving Stats
The odds of a young driver being in a car accident are higher than more experienced drivers. Part of it comes down to the fact that the more experience one has, the less likely they are to make mistakes.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics below show a teen’s thoughts on distracted driving, and the dangers they can bring to the roadways if their perspective does not change:
Teen Distracted Driving Statistics                                              Â
- 16% of drivers under 20-years-old involved in fatal accidents reported distracted driving
- Over 85% of teens between 16 and 19 have driven distracted
- Nearly 85% of those teens admitting to driving distracted know that it is dangerous
- Over 1/3 of teens who drive distracted have said that they are good at multitasking
- Over 1/3 of teens say that they have almost been in an accident due to distracted driving
It is imperative for parents to speak with their teens about the dangers of distracted driving. If a teenage causes an accident because they are texting and driving or are distracted in another way, they can be considered at-fault and face legal consequences.
If you have been involved in an accident with a teen who was driving distracted, call our Ohio car accident attorneys. Our team of attorneys can help you receive the compensation deserved for injuries and property damages. Our legal team offers support to clients, ensuring that the best possible settlement is achieved.