High School Football Player Dies From Brain Injury

Our law office has a special connection to high school football injuries as we represent the Woodmore football player who suffered a brain injury during practice on September 10, 2013.
A high school teen in Missouri suffered a similar fate. The teenage football player from Missouri was hospitalized after an injury sustained in a playoff game.
He later died from the injuries sustained in the high school football game.
High School Football Injury Leads to Death
Chad Stover was a junior at Tipton High School, playing in the playoff game for his team on October 31, 2013. He was taken off the field toward the end of the game and transported to a hospital; he later died at the hospital due to the brain injury he sustained during the football game.
Chad Stover’s mother posted updates regarding his health on the Caring Bridge website. The below entry was what she posted on the site after her son was injured:
My sweet baby boy Chad went down on a football field with 6 [minutes] left in the last game of the season. After a life flight to Columbia, MO we were told that Chad was in serious condition. I would give anything to see those beautiful blue eyes again. Let me brag on my boy a bit. He is very smart, very sweet kids. He never has given his father and I any problems. If he is not at home he is hunting, playing ball, hanging out with his friends or brothers. He loved playing football and baseball and loved watching college basketball. They haven’t given us much hope. So we pray. Lord Chad is in your hands now.
The above message tugs on your heart strings as you cannot imagine the pain that this mother is going through.
In late November, a Fox Sports article highlighting Chad Stover’s death stated that a spokesman for the Missouri State High School Activities Association was made aware of the injury and death that followed. As of November 15, 2013 they were not aware of how Stover sustained the injury.
According to the article posted on Fox Sports, the school followed the proper procedure during this tragic injury on the football field.
Ohio Sport Injury Lawyers
As we mentioned above, our law office has a client that suffered a serious brain injury during football practice in September 2013. The football player was forced to participate in a dangerous drill on a very hot day that was originally planned as a non-contact day on the field.
Our client was repeatedly hit with extreme force, causing him to vomit, become disoriented, and later collapse.
All of these behaviors are signs of a brain injury.
After being driven home by his little brother without a call to the parents about what happened at practice, the injured football player was taken to the hospital where he was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury.
The drills that the players partook in on September 10, 2013 were not within the Ohio High School Athletic Association’s guidelines. The guidelines regarding the reduction of head and neck injuries can be found on page 21 of the state’s football manual.
We are not making it our mission to prevent future injuries on the football field that are unnecessary and cause extreme pain and suffering for all involved. If you would like to speak to one of our Ohio personal injury attorneys about high school sporting injuries or the dangerous drills that this client was told to partake in, call our office at 800.637.8170.