GM Recalled Vehicles & Deadly Crashes
There have been over 300 deaths recorded due to the airbag issue that General Motors announced last month.
In March, General Motors recalled 1.
6 million compact cars due to airbag deploy failure. This recall occurred at a time when the automotive company recalled several other cars for various issues. According to the JereBeasley Report, there was a study released mid-March that showed that the automaker has big safety problems.
General Motors Recall: Ten Years Late
General Motors has said there are only 12 deaths and 34 crashes that are related to their recalled cars. Another reason that that GM is getting heat is because the cars that were recalled were not done so until February, yet the company knew of an ignition switch problem since 2001. They issued notices to dealers including suggested steps to take for the issue in 2005, but the company never notified the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
The NHTSA has also received criticism because they did not pressure General Motors to step up and recall the cars affected by the ignition switches. The administration had received hundreds of consumer complaints throughout the past ten years.
They even had their own investigation into two deaths that were allegedly caused by the switches that were recalled.
GM Recall: Criminal Investigation
There has been a criminal investigation launched by the U.S. Department of Justice into whether or not the automotive company waited too long to recall the vehicles with the faulty ignition switches. It was announced in March that both GM and NHTSA were being investigated as a federal law that was put into place over 10 years ago – the Transportation Recall Enhancement Act, authored by Representative Fred Upton, R-Mich. – should have prevented the delay in the recall.
Mary Barra, the CEO of General Motors, testified before Congress on April 1 regarding the issue. According to the JereBeasley Report, it is likely that GM will suffer criminal charges for the way that the recall was handled.
If you or your loved one was a victim in an accident that is believed to have been caused by one of the recalled ignition switch General Motors vehicle, or by another recalled vehicle, call our office at 800.637.8170.