Firework Safety Tips And Injury Statistics
With July 4th less than a week away, fireworks are flying off of the shelves as people prepare for their Independence Day celebrations.
What many don’t think about are the possible injuries that fireworks can cause.
Firework accidents can result in serious injuries from burns that may cause permanent scarring and emotional suffering.
The aftershock of firework injuries includes numerous medical bills and lifelong injuries that may reduce the quality of life.
In 2011, a study was conducted by the Consumer Product Safety Commission that showed in just one month (June 17 – July 17), approximately 200 people were taken to the emergency room due to a firework-related accident. Also, there were four fireworks-related fatalities in 2011 and all accidents included illegal and homemade fireworks.
The areas of the body that often get injured in a firework accident are listed below:
- Heads and fingers – 46-percent
- Heads, faces, and ears – 17-percent
- Eyes – 17-percent
- Legs – 11-percent
- Trunk – 5-percent
- Arms – 4-percent
The above statistics act as a reminder to be safe this year on July 4th. Some Firework No-No’s are listed below:
- Don’t shoot fireworks at others
- Don’t light fireworks on unstable or unleveled ground, or on objects
- Don’t lean over fireworks when lighting
- Don’t hold fireworks when discharging
- Don’t alter or take apart fireworks
- Don’t run
Now that you know what NOT to do, here are some simple reminders of how to be safe with fireworks (firecrackers, bottle rockets, roman candles, and fountains)
- Light fireworks on flat, hard, level surface
- Read the instructions
- Have a bucket of water and a hose on hand
- Keep 20 feet between you and a discharging firework
- Clean up all fireworks debris
- Soak used fireworks in water
- Place used fireworks in a metal trash can
Be sure to follow the above safety tips this holiday to ensure your safety and the safety of friends and family. If there is an accident caused by another individual and you or a loved one is seriously injured, call our Ohio personal injury attorneys that specialize in burn cases such as those caused by fireworks.