Defective Medical Devices And Your Legal Rights
When you receive word from the doctor that you need a device implanted in your body, you expect that this product is safe. You expect that after the implant is put in your body your life will become easier and you will be healthier. This however, is not always the case. Even if the doctor does everything that is required and implants the device to proper standards, sometimes you have a device defective. Unfortunately, because of the large profits that these manufacturers are raking in, they sometimes seriously downplay the health risks that are involved and they can even go as so far as ignoring them completely.
Many people have become the victim of medical devices that have failed, incurring more medical expenses, complications and pain.
If you or someone you love has been injured or even died because of an unsafe product, the lawyers at our office will use their expertise to get you the settlement you deserve.
If you have questions about your case or would like to know if you are entitled to compensation, call us at 800.
637.8170 to schedule a free consultation and to speak with a lawyer today.