Car Accidents: The Leading Killer Of Teens
Our law office helps car accident victims and their families after injury or fatality is suffered as the result of another individual’s negligence or wrongdoing.
Negligence or wrongdoing is what is considered to be the action that causes the accident. When an accident is due to the fault of another individual, the injured victim or their family has the right to pursue legal action.
Teen Drivers: Car Accidents
When it comes to teens, the leading killer for the demographic is a motor vehicle crash. These crashes can be caused by teen drivers who are not operating their vehicle safely or are distracted behind the wheel.
The Safe Kids Worldwide 2014 report shared a table with the causes of deaths ranked from the leading cause to the 14th leading cause in the year 2010.
The number one leading cause of teen death is motor vehicle driver/occupant accidents, amounting to 2,747 deaths. This is a startling number and the results of these accidents affect thousands more people as the family and friends who lose a loved one as a result of a teen car accident.
Thankfully, the number of teens dying in motor vehicle crashes has fallen 56% since its peak in 2002 where it was over 5,000 deaths. Our personal injury attorneys are happy to know that the number of overall deaths has decreased, but we still feel as though this is a major problem.
As personal injury lawyers who help car accident victims, we have seen firsthand the pain and suffering that these accidents bring to not only the injured victims, but their families as well. The resulting consequences of a split-second distraction on the road are very serious and can often cause lifelong injuries or fatality.
To help prevent future fatalities from occurring, Safe Kids Worldwide stresses the importance of wearing a seat belt every single ride in a vehicle.
Data shows that not all teens are using seat belts. Of the 1,357 teen drivers, 1,065 passengers, and 17 unknown occupants who died in fatal crashes in 2012, 46.8% of the drivers and 54.2% of the passengers were not wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash.
Join our office in spreading the importance of safe driving and buckling up whenever in a vehicle. We hope that by sharing this information, we are able to help individuals realize the importance of being fully aware of the roadway and buckled up when behind the wheel or as a passenger.
Injured by Teen Driver
If your loved one has been injured or killed in a teen driver accident, contact a personal injury attorney to learn your legal options. Our office has helped countless victims and their families after serious and fatal car accidents and we can help you, too. We offer the sympathy and understanding to our clients as we know how difficult this type of situation is to deal with.
To speak to one of our attorneys one-on-one about your loved one’s accident contact us today. You will have the opportunity to explain the accident, ask any questions that you have, and to receive guidance regarding the next steps that you should take.
We handle Ohio personal injury cases involving car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, ATV accidents, Ohio workers’ compensation, construction accidents, child injuries, wrongful death, medical malpractice, nursing home neglect, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, food poisoning, dog bite attacks, and all injury cases.